Friday, March 20, 2015

Your Pills Can Kill You

Whether you’re battling heart disease, high blood pressure, or any other condition that includes a daily dose of meds, you need to be aware that each year 106,000 people die in American hospitals from “adverse drug reactions.” But the actual number of victims is higher, because many hospital deaths that are attributed to various diseases are actually caused by the meds patients were taking to treat the condition.

Overdosing ranks high on the list of reasons for death by medication. Other prime culprits are allergic reactions and the interaction of various drugs with each other, or with natural remedies. But even used as directed, a great many “miracle” drugs, both Rx and OTC varieties, deliver potentially fatal consequences, ranging from liver damage to nerve disorders, diabetes, kidney disease, and stroke — as well as known disease triggers like insomnia and weight gain.

Don’t get me wrong here, folks — I’m not suggesting that you fire your doctor and start dosing yourself with who-knows-what concoctions that you find on the internet! Modern drugs can — and do — save lives. But it does pay to take these precautions:
  • Find an MD who understands the benefits of natural remedies and can help you reduce your need for certain drugs, or decrease their side effects, by making lifestyle changes and upping your intake of natural remedies.
  • Whenever you see a doctor, take along a detailed list of everything you’re taking, including prescription and OTC drugs, as well as herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, and even your daily multivitamin pill.
  • Ask the doc about possible food interactions with the drug(s) you’re about to get. For instance, garlic has adverse reactions with blood-thinning meds.
  • Never talk to a nurse or pharmacist who is getting medications ready for you. Even the most careful and highly trained professionals can make big mistakes when they’re distracted by chatter.

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